
 Chengchao Yuan 






           Talks & Events   



-- 朱熹   

“Wir müssen wissen.    
Wir werden wissen.”  
-- David Hilbert   



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Journal Articles and Preprints

First-author: 10

  1. Yuan, C.,, Zhang, B. T., Winter, W., Murase, K., (2024) Structured Jet Model for Multiwavelength Observations of the Jetted Tidal Disruption Event AT 2022cmc, arXiv: 2406.11513 (ApJ in press)
  2. Klinger, M., Yuan, C.,, Taylor, A., Winter, W., (2024) Lepto-Hadronic Scenarios for TeV Extensions of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglow Spectra, arXiv: 2403.13902
  3. Yuan, C., Winter, W., Lunardini, L. (2024) AT2021lwx: Another Neutrino-Coincident Tidal Disruption Event with a Strong Dust Echo?, arXiv: 2401.09320,ApJ 969 136 (2024)
  4. Marc Klinger, Annika Rudolph, Xavier Rodrigues, Chengchao Yuan, Gaëtan Fichet de Clairfontaine, Anatoli Fedynitch, Walter Winter, Martin Pohl, Shan Gao (2023) AM3: An Open-Source Tool for Time-Dependent Lepto-Hadronic Modeling of Astrophysical Sources (ApJS in press)
  5. Yuan, C. and Winter, W., (2023) Electromagnetic Cascade Emission from Neutrino-Coincident Tidal Disruption Events,ApJ 956 30
  6. B. Theodore Zhang, Kohta Murase, Kunihito Ioka, Deheng Song, Chengchao Yuan, Péter Mészáros (2022) External Inverse-Compton and Proton Synchrotron Emission from the Reverse Shock as the Origin of VHE Gamma-Rays from the Hyper-Bright GRB 221009A, ApJL 947 (2023) L14
  7. Yuan, C., Murase, K., Guetta, D., Pe’er, A., Bartos, I., & Mészáros, P., (2022) “GeV Signature of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts in Active Galactic Nuclei”, Astrophys.J. 932 (2022) 80
  8. Yuan, C., Murase, K., Zhang, B. T., Kimura, S. S., Mészáros, P., (2021) “Post-Merger Jets from Supermassive Black Hole Coalescences as Electromagnetic Counterparts of Gravitational Wave Emission”, ApJL 911 L15
  9. Zhang, B. Theodore, Murase, K., Yuan, C., Kimura, S. S., Mészáros, P., (2020) “External Inverse-Compton Emission Associated with Extended and Plateau Emission of Short Gamma-Ray Bursts: Application to GRB 160821B”, ApJL 908 L36
  10. Yuan, C., Murase, K., Kimura, S. & Mészáros, P. (2020) “High-energy neutrino emission subsequent to gravitational wave radiation from supermassive black hole mergers”, arXiv: 2008.05616, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D
  11. Yuan, C., Murase, K. & Mészáros, P. (2020) “Complementarity of Stacking and Multiplet Constraints on the Blazar Contribution to the Cumulative High-Energy Neutrino Intensity”, ApJ, 890:1.
  12. Yuan, C., Murase, K. & Mészáros, P. (2019) “Secondary Radio and X-ray Emissions from Galaxy Mergers”, ApJ, 878:76.
  13. Yuan,C.,Mészáros,P.,MuraseK.&Jeong,D.(2018) “CumulativeNeutrinoandGamma- Ray Backgrounds from Halo and Galaxy Mergers”, ApJ, 857:50
  14. Yuan, C. & Wang, F. (2015) “Cosmological Test Using Strong Gravitational Lensing Systems”, MNRAS, 452:3

Conference Proceedings